free gsm unlocking : BlackBerry Master Control Program beta 10

free gsm unlocking : BlackBerry Master Control Program beta 10

free gsm unlocking : BlackBerry Master Control Program beta 10

What is BlackBerry Master Control Program (MCP)?You can use BlackBerry Master Control Program (MCP) to (Basic) take screenshots (including auto-capture and auto-save), set the device time, turn the radio/on off, recover memory, gather information, view/clear event logs, display modules, gather module information, create ALX/JAD files, backup and restore third party applications, (Advanced) handheld wipe (all 3 types), factory reset, load, save and erase modules. The Operating System Management page allows you to completely manage and optimize any OS you want to install on your device. The Javaloader CLI page offers a 1:1 GUI for javaloader.exe

MCP allows you to keep an unlimited number of OS's installed on your PC but at the time you actually install an OS to your device MCP only lets RIM's Application Loader "see" the OS you had selected inside MCP. Most OS 101 articles tell you to uninstall all other OS's from your PC before you begin the process. This is time consuming to say the least. MCP allows you to keep multiple BlackBerry OS's installed on your computer and keep them in their current (possibly optimized) state for later use at any time.

Any controls that can potentially harm your device are blocked from use until you enter a passphrase... so even new users can't do any harm using it until they know what they are doing.

MCP is 100% unrestricted, donations are always welcome. Registration allows users to remove the PayPal Donate button.

This is a list of all MCP Function Keys (based on MCP Beta 10):

MCP Main Pages/Functions

F1 = Java Loader
F2 = Information
F3 = Screen Capture Page
F4 = Load Modules
F5 = Erase Modules
F6 = Save Modules :: Backup & Restore :: ALX/JAD Builder
F7 = ALX/JAD Builder
F8 = Operating System Management
F9 = Java Loader CLI (Area 51)
F10 = Command Line Programmer CLI (Area 52)
F11 = Downloads
F12 = Instant Screen Capture

MCP Help Pages

Ctrl+F1 = Welcome
Ctrl+F2 = Settings
Ctrl+F3 = External Applications
Ctrl+F4 = About
Ctrl+F5 = Languages

External Applications

Shift+F1 = RIM Desktop Manager
Shift+F2 = RIM Application Loader
Shift+F3 = RIM Media Sync
Shift+F4 = Roxio Media Manager
Shift+F5 = Pete6's CrackMem
Shift+F6 = Pete6's CrackUtil
Shift+F7 = RIM MFI MultiLoader
Shift+F8 = RIM Radio Lab Tool
Shift+F9 = JL_Cmder

Other Functions

Ctrl+Shift+F12 = Direct OS Installation

This combination loads the OS Management page, automatically clicks the "Confirm" option and then automatically clicks the "Install OS" button for you. You will have to manually click the new "Continue" button. This only works if your PIN is selected or if you are using the /nopin switch.

Alt+F4 = Close MCP

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